Boy George Pleads Guilty To Third Degree Stupidity

Boy George has finally freed himself from the clutches of the Dark Side. You may recall, last October George practically ordered up his own drug arrest as if it were a Domino's pizza, calling cops to his apartment in New York to investigate a burglary. They quickly discovered upon their arrival 13 bags of coke sitting by his computer, which he insisted belonged to one of his many party guests. A plea bargain deal at a Manhattan criminal court yesterday got him out of doing any hard time:
The former pop star, whose real name is George O Dowd, entered his guilty plea to third-degree false reporting of an incident in Manhattan Criminal Court. He only spoke to answer questions from Judge Anthony Ferrara with a simple yes.
Under the deal, O Dowd will enter a drug program in England and perform five days of community service in Manhattan. He will pay a $1,000 fine and must avoid arrest on any charges over the next six months.
Now that George has finally admitted guilt to his forgivable crime of "third-degree false reporting" (seriously how high do you have to be to invite the cops over to admire your blow collection?), he can now go about paying the small fine, doing his community service, and entering a rehab program for his faceless, nameless friend's drug addiction. It's nice to see the wheels of celebrity justice are turning as smoothly and nonsensically as ever.