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Another Timesian spy, this one who attended the afternoon State of the Times session yesterday, reports that the second meeting was very much like the first. Except, apparently, a bit more polish on the why-I-get-stock-and-you-don't answer and a bit more explanation on the why-I-don't-want-you-reporters-to-report-anything request:

I went to the second meeting at 2 p.m. Same request from Sulzberger not to do, well, what I'm doing right now. Same question about employee stock purchase plan vs. executive bonus, but Sulzberger was clearly prepped in the interim. Two good questions came up, though. First, after he waxed poetic about diversity — wonder if they'll post for the chief diversity officer (no kidding) on Gawker Jobs — an African-American woman stood up and asked why all of the ~10 presenters were white men. Much applauding ensued. "We're just talking about our jobs," Pinch protested. "Exactly!" she responded. More hooting and hollering.

Second interesting question came from a slightly incoherent woman who asked Sulzberger how he could ask a roomful of journalists, dedicated to freedom of information, to keep his remarks secret. His inane response was more or less that if he couldn't trust us, instead he'd have to regale us with the same (admittedly bad) jokes he uses to put off outsiders. Hmmm.

To summarize: The protector of the nation's greatest journalistic institution asks his own reporters not to report and evades questions from other reporters. What was that about giving news "without fear or favor"? Eh, never mind.

Earlier: A Spy Reports: Floyd Norris Doesn't Like the State of the Times