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Kurt Loder had a chance to talk to Paul Haggis shortly before the Oscars about his favorite film of the year, Crash, not a surprising choice for the MTV personality considering the Best Picture winner in many ways echoes that other classic urban cautionary tale, the "Papa Don't Preach" video. Looking ahead, Loder questions Haggis on what we can expect from Casino Royale, the upcoming James Bond installment for which the writer/director did a script rewrite:

Loder: How is this film going to be different than the 1967 original?

Haggis: It will be completely different, I think. You know, it takes James Bond from the very first Ian Fleming book, "Casino Royale," when he becomes James Bond when he gets his "Double 0" status, which means he has two kills, and therefore has his license to kill. But all the bells and whistles, all the things that Q used to give him, the gadgets, those are all gone. So you deal with the character as an assassin and what it feels like to be an assassin. And I ask the question, "Why does he treat women the way that he treats them?"

Leave it to the most celebrated social-inadequacy commentator of our time to strip James Bond of his gadgets and bed-hopping shenanigans and instead get to the root of what clearly amounts to the character's misogynistic intimacy issues, a theme best represented by the panning montage sequence in which all of Bond's abandoned conquests stare wistfully out their bedroom windows, set to a lullaby of longing by Kathleen Bird York.