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Once Jack Nicholson cracked the Seventh Seal and read the words that ushered in Armageddon (we can't even bring ourselves to retype them), things seemed pretty bleak. But while we merely sat and waited for the Four Horsemen of the Hacky Apocalypse to gallop through our party and slaughter us like stuck pigs while we waited in the bathroom line, others were less passive about their post-Crash victory fate (warning: link very NSFW):

Wanting to Vent Angry-Sex now that Crash has won Best Picture - 36 Why O Why for the Love of All that is Righteous, Why? I can take Brokeback Mountain losing the Best Picture Oscar but to Crash of all vehicles. Ughhhhhhh! Any one else so upset that they want to vent in a intense bout of rough sex?

WM Powerful Top Athletic Build Nicely Hung
Safe Only - No Drugs

You be an angry Crash-Hatin' bottom.
All races welcomed. HwP

Or alternatively you be a Crash-Lovin' bottom, although an obvious moron, I could still pound your stupid ass with perhaps more angry intent. But, seriously, you must realize that you are a complete fucktard.

Given how many disappointed Brokeback fans there were today, this guy's probably going to have to turn away hundreds of prospective, disconsolate bottoms.