Conde Nast: Special Friend to the Freelancer

Sometimes it pays to fabulously frivolous. Conde Nast was ranked the top company for New York City's freelancers, according to a survey released today by The Freelancers Union. 1,000 people were asked to vote on the one company that treated them the best of those they worked for in 2005; not surprisingly, the money-throwers at Conde Nast came out on top. The rest of the list includes:
2. Time Warner
3. BBC
4. MTV Networks
5. HBO
6. MJM Creative
7. The New York Times
6. Curious Pictures
9. McGraw Hill
10. Viacom
Noticeably absent from the list is Radar magazine, which we're sure is aiming for the top slot next year, in its third incarnation — once finishes paying off every jilted freelancer from the most recent endeavor, of course.
New Survey Shows Conde Nast Tops the List of Best Companies for Freelancers [Business Wire]