Today in Sylvestergate

• The Google cache version of Nick Sylvester's partially fabricated cover story on the effect of Neil Strauss' The Game has been wiped squeaky clean. If you know any remaining online outlets still carrying the article, do tell.
• Meanwhile, The Game author Neil Strauss is avoiding the shitstorm by staying abroad and promoting his book in Europe.
• A resourceful reader sends us Nick Sylvester's Facebook profile. What you need to know: Born July 7th, 1982, classics and literature major Nick Sylvester's favorite movie is March of the Penguins. So at least last night was a little better for him.
• According to this article written by Sylvester in January, his sister is "a famous model." Is this another falsehood or actually true? If it's the latter, who the hell is she?
• Former Radar-ite Lucas Hanftt on Sylvester: "I thought Pitchfork writers only made up musical genres."
• And saving the strangest for last: Dave Letterman's ex-girlfriend Merrill Markoe emails Gawker to remind us that in her 1998 book Merrill Markoe's Guide to Love had a chapter on "speed seduction." Flack it like it's hot, even if it isn't.