'Brokeback' Remixes Prove Gays Will Dance To Anything

If the current zeitgeist can be summed up in a single movie Brokeback Mountain then it could arguably be further distilled into a single, highly recognizable bar of music. The first seven notes of composer Gustavo Santaolalla's melancholy main theme, "The Wings," made us cry (the final scene!) and laugh (it set off every beloved parody). The only thing it seemed incapable of doing, however, was make us shake our booty. Never underestimate, however, the magical disco powers of The Gays:
Gustavo Santaolalla's serene score for "Brokeback Mountain" is getting a new venue: the dance floor.
Gabriel & Dresden, Manny Lehman, Warren Rigg and Tony Moran have created three remixes of the film's acoustic guitar-driven theme "The Wings" that are being shipped to major dance club DJs today. Label and Focus Pictures are also working to get the tracks in the hands of DJs working Oscar-related parties this weekend.
Brace yourselves for the first time the familiar notes float out of Rage's speakers, immediately followed by an eruption of high-pitched squeals and a stampede to the dance floor. We just hope the song has merely been sped up and given a thumping beat; we're not sure if the film's message would really be enhanced any further by a plus-sized diva belting along, "You are a...big! Gay! Cowboy! I am your hot! True! Looove!"