Sylvestergate: Today in Nick News

• Pitchfork, the indier-than-thou music site, fired admitted Voice fabricator Sylvester yesterday; his name disappeared from the site's masthead. Somewhere, halfway through a harangue about the reprehensible journalistic standards of online media as compared to traditional news outlets, a retired newspaper editor spontaneously explodes.
• One rumor inside the Voice, we hear, is that the decision to suspend but not fire Sylvester came from Village Voice Media HQ — the Arizonans formerly known as New Times Media — who agree that Sylvester can be forgiven because he is young and was "fatigued."
• Fun with irony: Due to layoffs and other cutbacks over the last few years, the Voice has eliminated its once-impressive fact-checking department. Way back when, though, the checking ranks included The Game author Neil Strauss.
• And, finally, some headline highlights from Sylvester's Voice oeuvre, courtesy of a reader and his Nexis account: "What a Fool Believes," "Without A Prayer," and, best, "Bullshit Happens."