Sylvestergate Subplot: Did the 'Voice' Steal the Pitch?

Most of us have identically "original" ideas. This is why TV networks, for example, will generally require that you sign a release before you pitch them a show. It's not that the TV execs want to steal your idea; it's that they don't want to get sued if they have someone else's version of your idea already in development. That said, let's consider the case of Dolly, the Truth About Cocks and Dolls blogger, who says acting Voice editor Doug Simmons stole her pitch — about New Yorker men and women playing The Game — and instead gave it to hotshot young Nick Sylvester. Simmons, talking to Gawker yesterday afternoon, denied the charge, saying this week's now-retracted cover story was Sylvester's idea, not his, and that he couldn't find any record of Dolly's pitch. As a public service, then, we're pleased to now provide that record.
Dolly's pitch — dated January 26, 2006 — is after the jump.
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 18:55:01 -0800 (PST)
From: Dolly D
Subject: The Truth About Cocks and Dolls
Dear Mr. Simmons,
Forgive the boldness of my email, but I wanted to share an interesting story with you.
I have an anonymous blog in which I write about my sex/love life called The Truth About Cocks and Dolls ( The other night, I met a pick-up artist, straight out of Neil Strauss's book THE GAME. He was using many of the tricks I read about that are supposed to engage a woman's interest, and the shocking thing was how well they worked. Even though I called him out on his tricks, even as he was performing them, he still reeled me in.
There are numerous pick-up communities and blog rings around. As I type this, men are honing their strategies on how to get any woman to go to bed with them.
I think it's only fair that the women be warned. Most probably haven't read Strauss's book, and don't know what to look out for. I want to write an article about the top ten warning signs that a pick-up artist is in the midst. Recognizing these tricksters for what they are might help disarm them and save a woman from getting played.
My blog is the best writing sample you'll get. I could knock out a killer piece on this topic, especially since I have had recent firsthand experience with one of these guys.
I apologize for pitching a story idea right to the top man, but I do hope that if you're interested, you'll pass me along to the appropriate person.
Best regards,
Dolly D.
Earlier: Breaking: Doug Simmons Is Still the Acting 'Voice' Editor