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Today's Lloyd Braun announcement was just too sweet and candy-like in its optimistic spin to appreciate with one post — here are more highlights you might have missed. First, a mixed metaphor from the soon-to-leave Yahoo Media Group head:

"Original content is the salt and pepper on the meal," he said. "It is certainly not the engine driving this."

Salt and engine...too many images, Lloyd! Turn your brain off before it hurts someone!

Then there's the gleeful peanut gallery. For example, AOL exec Jason "two booms under my belt" Calacanis gets all nostalgic for those 90s days of "user-generated content" and the transformative medium.

And PaidContent blogger Rafat Ali just loves Lloyd's line, "I didn't fully appreciate what success in this medium is really going to look like." Yes, Lloyd has just admitted what we're all saying — HE HAS NO BUSINESS DOING THIS JOB.

Earlier: Lloyd Braun becomes (more) useless to Yahoo [Valleywag]
1996 or 2006? [Jason Calacanis]
Oops, never mind [PaidContent]