What the hell is OneWebDay?
Didn't wanna pick on OneWebDay, the worldwide celebration of the Web (based on that most revered and respected of holidays, Earth Day). But I knew it was fair game when the usually gentle TechCrunch pundit Michael Arrington asked, "Is there a point to this that I'm missing?" (Fun fact: Arrington's first title was "What the hell is this crap?" I am not making this up.)
Even Arrington, who's practically had the whole board of directors at his house parties, is calling this September 22 "holiday" a sign of the Internet bubble. And he's spot on.
The copy on their site is just golden:
There s a special hand signal you extend your middle three fingers and have your thumb and little finger touch in a circle.
Mm. Yes. An inspiration to us all.
Is there a point to this that I'm missing? [TechCrunch]
OneWebDay [onewebday.com]
Photo: one web day ["this is emily" on Flickr]