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Today's Page Six chooses to torture mourning Arrested Development fans by tossing off a "We Hear" item reporting Showtime has resurrected the show for 26 (!) episodes. And yesterday, the Better Than Fudge blog updated an earlier item claiming that a cast member indicated that Showtime had picked up the show for 12 episodes. Says Fudge:

This comes from ANOTHER source of mine, a good friend of mine who is close friends with a lead cast member (a DIFFERENT one than the one who we got the original Showtime report from last week).

Anyway, here’s what I got from AD source numero 2 over the weekend:

“From what I heard last night - Fox made a deal with Showtime but they are waiting for the deal to be made with Mitch [Hurwitz] - but no one knows what his terms are. The cast is contractually obligated for one more season so they’d all go back reluctantly.”

Of course, if there's one thing you've learned by now, it's not to trust blog gossip. But if you just can't bear to ponder an existence devoid of fresh AD episodes, perhaps these two items are enough to stop you from putting on your Tobias short-shorts and taking a bath with a toaster.