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SniderWatch Update: Will Stacey Snider stay at Universal or leave to head DreamWorks? Var says that the "situation is expected to be resolved soon, possibly before next week," which gives Brad Grey only about two days to draw up a list of people to lay off in celebration of Snider's arrival if she signs on. [Variety]
Chris Weitz will adapt Neil Strauss' book about pickup artists, The Game, for Columbia. If you don't know what "neg" or "FMAC" mean, you're just another AFC. OK, fine. We read the damn book and wound up getting drinks thrown in our face for using two-year-old techniques, and we're a little bitter. [THR]
WGA interim president David Young fires longtime spokeswoman Cheryl Rhoden, who then released the following statement (really): "I love writers. For going on 20 years, it has been my honor to work on their behalf. For myself, I'm going to take some time off to smell the horses." We fear that this some kind of secret code signalling other spokespeople to rise up and burn down the WGA headquarters in retaliation. All Guild employees should be on alert through the end of business today. [Variety]
· A judge delays a decision that would shut down BlackBerry service, putting off the armageddon that a sudden portable e-mail blackout would inflict on the entertainment industry. [THR]
VH-1 is forming a metal band with washed-up rockers like Ted Nugent and Sebastian Bach for SuperGroup, a show that sounds like such a trainwreck that it'll be in our TiVo wishlist before we finish typing this sentence. If they really want our undying love, they'll bring back Bands on the Run. [Variety]