Pic of Gizmondo exec's totaled Ferrari

The Register scored a photo of Gizmondo Europe ex-exec Stefan Eriksson's wrecked Ferrari. The former member of the world's lamest handheld maker "walked away with cuts and bruises." The car, not so lucky.
Just realized that our greaser brother Jalopnik beat the Register by two days. A Jalopnik reader sent in shots of the trashed Enzo. Major carnage, dude.
Which gives me an excuse to ask — there's another car-wreck story developing in Los Angeles. Anyone near South Alameda Street can e-mail tips@valleywag.com to volunteer for a little photography assignment.
Ex-Gizmondo exec walks from wreckage - of $1m Ferrari [Register]
More on the Enzo Incident on PCH, With Photos! [Jalopnik]