This image was lost some time after publication, but you can still view it here.

The Times PR staff has notified us that the image above at right is the preferred headshot for chairman and publisher Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr. Note the serious but pleasant gaze, the grown-up suit jacket, and the carefully groomed hair.

They'd apparently prefer we not continue using the imagine below at right, the Sulzberger headshot we ran as recently as yesterday. Note the incongruously happy expression, the boyishly tousled hair, the eyeglasses, and the shirtsleeves-and-suspenders look.

We have no idea when the older shot was taken; we found it on the web at some point and found it amusing. But in times of stagnant stock price, job freezes, layoffs, and maybe some hair tinting, we can see why Sulzberger would rather use the newer, less happy-go-lucky photo. We'll see what we can do to oblige.

Sigh, little Arthur is all grown up.

Gawker's coverage of Arthur Sulzberger Jr.