Truth, Justice, and Page Six

We were marveling today at Page Six's rakish lan in passing off an admission of its screwup yesterday as though somehow the underlying facts had changed:
WE HEAR... THAT the producer of "V is for Vendetta" is Joel Silver, not Ron Silver, as we reported yesterday.
But then we realized Joel Silver should be happy he got any acknowledgement that he's not the same person as the born-again Republican actor. A Las Vegas freelancer, Steve Friess, found his scoop on Page Six recently but attributed to another source. After emailing to complain, he received a friendly response from Paula Froelich — honest mistake, Saturday item, next time we definitely owe you one. Then came a very different reply from head honcho Richard Johnson:
Dear Mr. Freis, [sic]
If I had a nickel for every time one of our stories was picked up without attribution....Stop whining and stop insulting us. A minor mistake was made. None of our readers care. Grow up. —RJ
And, hey, if Page Six readers don't care, then how could it be wrong?