When Media Whores Become Charity Whores

Slate's annual list of the 60 largest charitable contributions of 2005 is out: the late Cordelia Scaife May emerges as the biggest contributor, having left her $404 million estate to charity; Bill and Melinda Gates come in second with $320 million. But what about our favorite media moguls?
Coming in 22nd place is Oprah Winfrey, who donated $51.8 million to her various foundations, all of which bear her name. Ted Turner falls in at number 15, donating $70.6 million to the South African Peace Parks Foundation plus the Nuclear Threat Initiative, Turner Foundation, U.N. Foundation and Better World Fund. Jane Fonda would be proud.
The highest-donating media whore on the list is our own Michael Bloomberg, who clocks in at a respectable 7th place, having donated $144 million to feel-good vaguaries including arts, education, health care and social services. Wow — how generous of our dear mayor! Maybe in 2006, he could donate that cash to the Chinatown Loogy Cleanup.