Michael Wolff Bends Reality to His Will

I Want Media today fawns over Michael Wolff, and in so doing it reminds us of why we've always had a soft spot for ol' baldie:
IWM: New York magazine just ran a cover story on "The Blog" —
Wolff: I never read New York magazine. I never let people talk to me about New York magazine. It does not exist in my universe.
IWM: I'm guessing this is because you made a run at buying the magazine that didn't work out.
Wolff: Exactly. It no longer, as I say, exists in my world. It broke my heart. My family is banned from reading it or mentioning it.
IWM: Would you ever consider buying any other magazines?
Wolff: No.
IWM: How about Radar magazine, which is sort of —
Wolff: No.
Alternative universes are delightful.