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John Brockman (pictured) pulls together a real A-list for his upcoming "Edge Foundation Billionaires' Dinner." Invitees to the foundation's private dinner (only 35 guests will get in) include Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page and their CEO Eric Schmidt.

Also invited are Wired ed-in-chief Chris Anderson, scientific historian George Dyson, and Wall Street Journal columnist Walt Mossberg.

All invitees were instructed to "keep the buzz down." So if you'll be so kind as to not tell anyone, we'll keep it a secret, eh?

Full invite after the jump.

"Freeman Dyson and Jared Diamond, sharing the same room at the same
space-time instant. How could their brains not explode from critical
mass?...This goes beyond all known schmoozing. This is like some
kind of virtual-intellectual conspiracy-in-restraint-of-trade."
- Bruce Sterling, "Third Culture Schmoozing"
Dear XXXX,


invite you to the annual Edge Foundation, Inc. "Billionaires'
Dinner"in Monterey.

"The dinner party was a microcosm of a newly dominant sector of
American business." - WIRED

DATE: Thursday, February 23

TIME: 7:45 pm

301 Alvorado Street, Monterey
(831) 649-8151
(diagonally across the street from the Conference Center)


Chris Anderson/Wired
Paula Apsell
Jeff & Mackenzie Bezos
Adam Bly, SEED
Stewart Brand & Ryan Phelan
Sergey Brin
Rod Brooks
Daniel C. Dennett
Dan Dubno
George Dyson
Juan Enriquez
Neil Gershenfeld
Brian Greene & Tracy Day
Danny & Pati Hillis
Salar Kamangar
Walt Mossberg
Larry Page
Lori Park
Lisa Randall
Eric Schmidt
Michael Shermer
Megan Smith
Cliff Stoll
Kara Swisher
Craig Venter

We are aiming a a discreet, selective dinner with a limit of 35
people. No guests, please, other than significant others. And please
keep the buzz down.

Hope to see you!



rsvp: [redacted]

"Like a lot of things in the frothy Internet world, it didn't take
long for an annual get-together at one of the industry's trendiest
conferences to show mindboggling growth -in this case a change in its
name from the Millionaires' Dinner to the Billionaires' Dinner. ...
the crowd was sprinkled generously with those who had amassed wealth
beyond imagining in a historical eye blink.

John Brockman
Edge Foundation, Inc. [redacted]
5 East 59th Street tel: [redacted]
New York, NY 10022 fax: [redacted]
Visit the EDGE Website at: