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• Jessica Simpson's flack Rob Shuter denies that Simpson and Maroon 5 singer Adam Levine are a couple, and he will continue to make such denials until Simpson hooks a sweet deal to confess her sins to Diane Sawyer. [Lowdown]
• Naomi Campbell destroys another assistant after the two have a screaming match on a British Airways flight. Thankfully, the falling-out was nonviolent and no phones were harmed in the incident. [Page Six]
• Desperate to secure his lock for Best Actor, Phillip Seymour Hoffman reveals his past drug and alcohol problems. Unfortunately, by talking about how he's now clean and sober, he just alienated at least 2/3 of the Academy. [IMDb]
• The Kid Rock sex tape is apparently from six years ago, which would explain why any stripper would deign to touch co-star Scott Stapp. [R&M]
• The Gay Mafia shares dining space with Mike Ovitz at Blue Hill; alas, the former agent didn't end up in any cement blocks. [Page Six]