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Buck up, little camper. It's not that Remnick didn't appreciate that brilliant pitch for your breakthrough piece; we're sure he loved it. He just can't get word to you. Or at least that's what you can keep telling yourself, thanks to a forwarded memo we received from several tipsters within Conde Nast:

From: Brownell, Gary
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2006 2:08 PM
To: Conde Nast Publications-All; FP Fairchild; Parade - New York; Golf
Digest Companies-All; Advance Magazine Group-All
Subject: Warning: High Email Latency

We are experiencing unusually long delays in the delivery of out-going email from several of our New York offices. We'll keep you updated on the progress to correct the disturbance. In the meantime, we suggest making follow-up phone calls to your more urgent matters. That's assuming you get this message.


Gary J. Brownell
Executive Director - Information Systems & Technology
Cond Nast Publications

So just sit tight. We're sure you'll get that acceptance note from The New Yorker any minute.

[N.B.: No Andrew Krucoffs were harmed in the making of this post.]

In That Case, We Should Probably Just Call It a Day
Media Bubble, Bursted: Krucoff Fired