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Last we checked in on The New York Sun — New York's little rightwing paper that could, the offices of which, we're reliably informed, were placed under the protective gaze of the NYPD after the paper published one of the Danish Mohammed cartoons two weeks ago — cultural editor David Propson had submitted his resignation after editor and founder Seth Lipsky fired one of Propson's critics out from under him, and Propson was taking some time away from the office to decide whether his resignation was really for real. Because we're always fond of a good denouement, we're now pleased to report that Propson finally decided to exit the fledgling daily and had his last day there on Monday. (Why his name remains on the paper's masthead — we checked one of the unclaimed copies delivered to our building's mailroom each day — is anyone's guess.)

Interactions around the workplace couldn't have been fun lately for Propson and his superiors, but at least we're sure they don't rank among the worst employee relations Sun managing editor Ira Stoll has ever encountered. Gawker's Cambridge correspondent recently passed along an item he found in an old Harvard Crimson, from Stoll's days as president of the paper. The money grafs:

In the early hours of June 10, several Crimson editors, mostly first-year women, took the president's antique chair, engraved with the names of past Crimson presidents, from the second floor of the building to the first-floor women's bathroom. Some editors were bruised in a tug-of-war that ensued between Stoll and the first-years over the chair as the theft, begun as a prank, turned serious.

Editors say Stoll was eventually pulled away from the chair, and soon afterward used the words "fucking cunts." Stoll said part of the provocation was a demand that he remove his shirt in exchange for the chair.

So remember, beleaguered Sunnies, that things could always be worse. You could be forced to see Ira topless.

[N.B.: Yes, we know the article on the Crimson site says "fucking counts." But we're reliably informed that's an OCR error from when the newspaper's archive was digitized. So we corrected it.]

Crimson Executives Censure President [Harvard Crimson]
Earlier: As the 'Sun' Turns: Culture Chaos