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Fox will heap a last indignity on Arrested Development tonight, when the network airs a four-episode, two-hour, can-we-just-put-on-what- we've-got-left-so-we-can-start-selling-the-goddamn-DVDs-already "season finale," finally pressing its pillow down long enough for the suffering series to stop its stubborn kicking on a relatively witness-free Friday evening. Diehard fans can hold out hope that potential saviors Showtime or ABC will resurrect the Bluths for a couple of more seasons (long enough to help them cross over into the immortality of syndication), but those made of more pessimistic stuff should say their goobyes tonight, accepting that it's likely the final time they can break out the mustache and Daisy Dukes from their Official Tobias Fünke Never-Nude Fun Set knowing that they're simultaneously sharing the experience with other AD fans.