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This is Nia, the twin sister of Top Model winner Naima Mora. They're both equally "famous."

Another night, another new lounge opens. This time it was Boudoir, from the owners of the Dark Room (is it just us, or are these dudes fostering the seemingly unstoppable hipster plague?). Nylon hosted the coming-out party, with DJ Leigh Lezark (AKA LoveLeigh, AKA Princess Coldstare) spinning and Duffs and Maddens in attendance. We sent staff photog Nikola Tamindzic to document the horror — but by the time he got there, he was too drunk to properly accost Nicole Richie and an Olsen, both of whom were reportedly in attendance. Nevertheless, it was a true Party Crash, with Nikola being denied entrance and later sneaking his way through the door. After the jump, Duffs, Maddens, and models get their drink on.

Nikola's full gallery from the event is available here.

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Just because she squeezes her breasts together and taunts you with her cleavage doesn't mean you have the right to ogle.

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Brian's friends were unimpressed by his half-assed Clockwork Orange look.

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"You're the Cobrasnake, right? Right? Ohmahgah, I'm so excited! Hold on, let me get my pose together — I even wore special eye makeup just in case you showed!"

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Requisite lesbianism.

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After realizing she quite nearly cracked a smile for our photographer, Princess Coldstare (of MisShapen fame) went home and punished herself with a good flogging.

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The Goldman Sachs party let out a little early, but the boys weren't ready to call it a night.

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"I'd like to propose a toast. To my mullet, may it grow long and flow free!"

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He can't believe she agreed to let him touch her.

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It's a birth defect, asshole.

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Like an air kiss, but more intimate.

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"Damn, they didn't tell me the bullring would hurt like this!"

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Nylon's Cortni Tuck clearly impresses everyone with her moves. In the background, Jessica Stam screams for help.

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"Honey, can we just go back to Connecticut now?"

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All he's ever wanted is to make it on a registry of sex offenders.

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At right, Greg K — the "Other Guy" of Misshapes — entertains Hillary Duff and Joel Madden. Not hard, seeing as Duff is already delirious from hunger.