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When Mashup Camp calls itself "the unconference for the uncomputer," is that like 7-up being "the uncola"? The upcoming camp sounded pretty indie at first. But after sponsorships from Adobe, AOL, eBay, Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, and Sun Microsystems, it was more like Mountain Dew Code Red: another industry-approved "camp"-branded conference. No prob, that's still fun, and admission is free.

But, uh, with all those sponsors, why did Mashup Camp need to send the attendees a plea for donations?

The "please donate to our indie Sun/Microsoft/etc.-funded camp" e-mail after the jump.

Mashup Camp is now less than 2 weeks away. The response to Camp has been phenomenal and we are looking forward to an informative, valuable, and fun 2-day experience for everyone. Now that David and I have gotten through the massive amount of email responses we received to attend the Camp, we are now in the final process financing actual Camp costs.

As you may know, we have designed the Camp as an open program at no cost to all attendees. However there are some expenses associated with the camp, so we are appealing to all Camp participants to help out in any way they can. Any contribution is a help — — $50, $100, $200 or whatever you might spare ( $10 or $20) would help.. This money will be used to pay for incedentals and to improve the museum's communications infrastructure. Any moneys left over from Camp will become part of a permenent donation to the Museum from Mashup Camp.

David and I have set up an account on PayPal under Mass Events Labs. You don't have to be a paypal member to contribute. Here's the link:

Click Here to Donate to Mashup Camp

Please let us know if you have any questions, we look forward to your response.
Doug Gold
Mashup Camp co-organizer