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We're more or less Luddites over here, so we're glad the stork recently delivered our latest baby brother, the khakis-and-blue-shirt-clad Valleywag, to explain some things to us.

Like this: It seems there's a new Flickr-ish service called Vizrea. It also seems that Walt Mossberg, the revered Wall Street Journal personal-technology columnist, tested out the new service and set up his own photostream, with photos of himself in some hotel room and of some people he apparently met at a conference or reunion or something. It further seems that the Vizrea people decided to capitalize on their (quasi-)celebrity user and ran his stream on their front page. Walt, it ultimately seems, unhappy with being used in that way, removed his photostream. But, sure enough, someone grabbed the snaps while they were still available and sent them along to Valleywag, who gleefully posted them.

After the jump, some riveting stuff: Mossberg at a conference, and his hotel-room desk. It's almost like having a Dow Jones expense account of your own.

Walt Mossberg Privacy Watch [Valleywag]

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This image was lost some time after publication.