So ladies, ladies, if you wanna roll in Steve's Mercedes

You thought the two-minute drive from SF to Cupertino was thrilling? Apparently driving with Steve Jobs kicks that time-lapse's ass.
discussion topic: steve jobs driving habits. anyone who's been on 280 with him or walking in the apple parking lot knows what i'm talking about. also, he doesn't have a license plate on his mercedes and hasn't had one for years, what makes him so special!!?
Another source explains the plate story:
when he bought the car, it came with a little barcode in place of the plate - standard for all new mercedes. he just never bothered to remove it. it doesnt really make him special, i think its just more of a protective thing. he has plates, just not in constant public view.
Anyone have details on how Jobs rolls behind the wheel? E-mail 'em in.