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A Valley source calling themselves Doncha Wannaknow cryptically lays out the Yahoo situation.

Yahoo: Internal fights are real. Lloyd out for sure, but the real winner is Weiner. Old line yahoo killing YMG on all deals. Recent oscar showdown — YMG put real money behind it and on nomination day, YMG get no pop on the home page of yahoo. In it's place — promotion for yahoo messenger. A big FU to LB

Geez, it's like a decoder ring. "Lloyd" is, of course, Yahoo Media Group head Lloyd Braun, who is so out of Yahoo. "Weiner" is senior VP Jeff Weiner, overseeing the Search and Marketplace group. And pushing Oscar coverage off Yahoo's front page to feature an AIM wannabe? That's gotta be one tough political move.

So when will Lloyd get the hell out of there? Do we need to start a betting pool?

Earlier: Lloyd go home: Braun bombs at conference [Valleywag]