Whither Jessica Joffe?

While we earlier grappled with the lack of Jessica Joffe in February's issue of Vogue, it's come to our attention that yesterday's Times was on Joffe duty (we missed this because it was in a Fashion Week article, and our doctor has asked that we limit our contact with that stuff to visuals only). Cathy Horyn writes:
An hour later, in the gloom of the Players Club on Gramercy Park South, people were standing around for the start of a show by a British designer named Sue Stemp. A publicist approached Bill Cunningham, the photographer for The New York Times, who was leaning against a table, and asked if he wanted to go upstairs and photograph people as they received a 10-minute hit of oxygen from a new machine. Mr. Cunningham would have none of it though.
"Jessica Joffe just did it," the publicist said.
Who's Jessica Joffe?
The publicist looked stunned. "She's a girl about town," he said defensively.
First a month without a Vogue appearance, and now defensive publicists? Oh no, this is not good. Joffe is slipping, and she's slipping fast. Someone get that girl's mug in Glamour or Lucky, stat!
Oh, wait — we may be too late. Joffe's now blogging. Shit. We've lost her.
Finally Girl Designers Who Want to Have Fun [NYT]
Fashion Week Diary [Style.com]
Earlier: 'Vogue' Turns Its Back on Jessica Joffe?