Joe Pesci Not Amused By Surprise Snapshots

It's been a couple months at least since a cast member of The Sopranos has been implicated in a violent crime, but the thin line separating actors who play sociopathic goombahs from actors who actually are sociopathic goombahs continues to blur with news of this heartwarming celebrity-fan interaction involving Martin Scorsese's kazoo-voiced midget muse, Joe Pesci:
[Juan Carlos] Montenegro, a Broward Community College student, told police that after encountering Pesci, 62, he shook the actor's hand and told him he was a big fan. He then purchased a camera, walked toward Pesci and asked for a picture, but the actor refused, he said.
Montenegro kept asking to take a picture, and when Pesci turned, Montenegro took the photograph. Pesci then punched him with his right fist, the report said.
Pesci's young fan should consider himself lucky that all he got was a simple punch in the nose for his snapshot ambush of the Good Shepherd star (according to IMdB, his first screen role since 1998's Lethal Weapon 4. Everybody: "Thanks, Bobby!"). One can only imagine the hemorrhaging-golf-bag-in-a-car-trunk-in-Pesci's-mother's-driveway-style retribution that would have awaited the overzealous fan were he wielding a full-motion video camera.