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The coming days at Paramount are probably going to get a little weird, as staffers from DreamWorks moving onto the lot settle into office chairs still warm from their previous owner's posteriors and suffer the withering glares of the lunch buddies left behind. But in any massive corporate reorganization there are bound to be some employees who fall through the cracks, and an as-yet unshuffled operative asks us the big, post-pinkslip existential question: If no one tells me I'm fired, do I have to leave?

So my boss got canned a few weeks ago and no one has said anything to me so I'm still coming in and all. Today I came in to discover my former boss' office packed up, painters at work and everything being readied for the DreamWorks tenants who arrive Monday. And still no word about me. So. Yeah. I'll be wandering the lot Monday dragging my headset and looking for my stapler if you need me.

Now we're not recommending that anyone actually do this, but with various departments at Paramount so obviously snarled in the post-acquisition chaos, an ambitious employee might be able to cause some trouble. With a couple of well-timed calls, a clever e-mail or two, and perhaps, say, a press release announcing some further, unexpected personnel moves, one could find him or herself with Brad Grey's job on Monday morning. Or, worst case scenario, as yet another rumored candidate for Gail Berman's.