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Today, courtesy of America's Great Crusader For Truth and Plugging Burberry Oprah Winfrey we finally get the definitive "so what the f- happened?" Dave Chappelle interview. (And yes, Chappelle did sit down with Inside the Actors Studio, but, c'mon, James Lipton is no Oprah, even if he did have access to her fabulous hair and wardrobe people.) You may recall, the comedian dropped off the side of the Earth at the start of the much-anticipated third season of Chappelle's Show, only to turn up wandering mysteriously around Africa, in a sort of blacker, funnier version of Rachel Weisz's turn in The Constant Gardener. Chappelle tells Winfrey he didn't crack up; he was just feeling the understandable strains of having to justify a $50 million paycheck:

I wasn t crazy but it is incredibly stressful, Chappelle, 32, said during his appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show that aired Friday.

I felt in a lot of instances I was deliberately being put through stress because when you re a guy who generates money, people have a vested interested in controlling you, Chappelle said.

For Chappelle's sake, we sincerely hope he's telling us the truth, because if it should turn out that he lost even a single marble during the period in question, Winfrey will undoubtedly drag him back onto the show for a very special "More Liars Fess Up: Crazy Edition" episode.