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You know how it didn't really make sense that Ryan Seacrest would be doing a live, in-studio radio interview in New Jersey? And how it didn't really make sense why, after the first time he walked out of the studio because the DJ asked about his sexuality, he would have agreed to continue the interview? Yeah, well, it now makes sense that it didn't make sense. Because it turns out it didn't actually happen.

From today's Trentonian:

During Wednesday s "Jersey Guys" broadcast, host Craig Carton told listeners that television's "American Idol" host, Ryan Seacrest, was there inside the Ewing studio as part of a publicity tour for the show.

Yesterday, however, Carton revealed that the whole thing had been a hoax and that he d enlisted someone with a similar-sounding voice to act the part of Seacrest.

Listeners — and media outlets — were fooled by Wednesday's fake interview.

It's time like these we're pleased we're only pretend reporters.

Radio Station Admits On-Air Prank [Trentonian]
Earlier: Trenton Makes News, the World Takes: Seacrest (Won't Come) Out