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Yesterday, Cindy Adams got her act together and gave us some decent gossip about a man or woman dubbed "Jan," who's a broadway star with a cocaine addiction on the verge of exploding. Knowing fully well that one of you probably was involved with getting Jan hooked, we asked for your guesses as to Jan's identity.

The random guesses: If Jan's a man, toss-off suggestions included Harvey Fierstein, Alan Cumming, Norbert Leo Butz, and John O'Hurley. If Jan's on the lady team, Patti LuPone, Christina Applegate and Kristin Chenowith were guesses, as was Amanda Peet, whose big debut is in previews and might need to blow off a little steam.

Best guesses: The most convincing argument was for Nathan Lane. One of you notes that The Odd Couple was extended and then, mysteriously, Lane was out with "laryngitis" for a short stretch. Another argument for Lane was more simple: "As anyone who's known him from his good ol' alkie days (which oddly also overlapped with the good ol' hustler days) will tell you, there's really no need to speculate."

Well, we're still going to innocently speculate, if only because of this reader's comment: "Has to be Matthew Broderick. Friend of mine is a B'way gypsy and says Miss Broderick can be found picking up a different young guy every night around 3 a.m. in a certain boy-oriented bar, always strung out on the blow-powder. At the opening of 'The Odd Couple,' his eyes were red and his nose was running in the red-carpet interviews. His eyes were spinning like whirligigs as Sarah J-P supported him on a spindly arm. The coke problem is so bad, he's starting to make Nathan 'Missing Another Performance' Lane look like the normal one. If MB gets any puffier they'll be able to float him down B'way on Thanksgiving Day."

Dude, The Odd Couple is more fucked than we thought.

Earlier: Blind Item Guessing Game: Name That Jan!