Geeking Out: Valleywag launch party at Varnish

A crowd of famous-for-the-Internet digerati descended on Varnish Fine Art to break the champagne over Valleywag. Poppa Denton introduced his "hungry little monster" to society, Spot-On's Chris Nolan passed the tech-gossip torch, and a crowd of bloggers and dot-commers dutifully drained the open bar. After the jump, photos shot by SFist's Jackson West and lomo'd up by the talented (and occasionally NSFW) Nikola Tamindzic.

Violet Blue's posse quizzes a tech blogger about his sex life. Shortest quiz EVER.

Photos of photographers: cool since the day the word "meta" was coined. blogger Eran Globen will pretend to like your dot-com if you buy him a beer.

GigaOm, a.k.a. Om Malik: "After the bust, I was just KiloOm."

Kourosh Karimkhany: "Don't tell Denton, but I outsourced my entire Kotaku workload to Taiwanese child labor."


Blogdex inventor Cameron Marlow chats up a tired but nattily dressed homeless man.

Nick and Nick: "Fact-checks? You think we do fact-checks?"
Chris Nolan was indie-rock back when you were still playing the Darkness.

Eddie Codel's had enough of Nick Douglas; he'll take you home if you let him play with that sexy camera.
The party raged on until 11 — San Francisco's definition of "late at night" — without a single fistfight. Better luck next time. More photos from Jackson West on Flickr. And Scott Beale shot a beautiful and mysteriously well-lit series, which I wish you could see here. If only Flickr weren't getting massaged at press time!