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While it's hardly as "hot" as losing one's Sidekick, Nicky Hilton's cell phone number has made its way online (917-929-0223). Alas, by the time most people caught on, she had long given up on answering her calls.

There were, however, a few seconds of free-for-all fun, during which Nicky actually did answer her phone. A little scamp we know — let's call him Scampy — relays that upon calling the number earlier yesterday, Hilton picked up. Dumbfounded and not prepared for actual interaction, Scampy told her that the number had been leaked online. "I had nooo idea," she responded.

Hilton's calm reaction has us wondering: Do all celebs, when they first realize they've fallen victim to this sort of prank, react as well? Or is Nicky just particularly stoned?

Live at Superbowl XL: Let Me In! [Deadspin]