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Interesting news in — of all places — The Trentonian today:

With a rare celebrity guest in the local studio, [radio host Craig] Carton shrugged off the politically correct line of questioning and zeroed in on the one topic that was bound to cause a fuss with Ryan Seacrest, the host of the No. 1 television show in the nation, "American Idol."

After a minute or two of niceties, Carton asked Seacrest whom he d rather spend the night with, past "Idol" singers Clay Aiken or Kelly Clarkson.

Then, after Seacrest deflected the question by saying that both "Idol" personalities were very talented, Carton stopped mincing words.

"Ryan," Carton said, "Are you gay?"


"Ryan, are you a homosexual?"

With that, Seacrest was headed for the door.

"I can't stay here, man," Seacrest said. "I gotta jet."

The Trenton, N.J., paper goes on the report that Seacrest was convinced to return to the interview on the condition that they would just talk about Idol. Back on air, the hosts asks, "Are you gay?" At which point Seacrest leaves again, for good.

We also have just one question that, given the chance, we'd have to ask Ryan:


UPDATE: Lies! Lies! Lies! A day later, we learn that none of this happened. So, um, never mind.

Angry 'Idol' Celeb to Local Shock Jock: See Ya [Trentonian]