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Today is something truly special, folks — Cindy Adams' yorkie-gossip column is actually worth reading! She writes of a person on Broadway, who she dubs "Jan" so we won't know whether the person is male or female. And, of course, Jan has a problem:

I'm told there is a cocaine habit. Usage has progressed beyond the merely recreational. The person recognizes a problem because they have reached out for help. However, it is being kept very, very quiet. The SOS has gone out undercover. Thus, the help is being proffered under this same cover. Result? For now, the abuse continues.

The person is unwilling to risk coming out full-scale. That means, so far, no rehab. No intervention. No coming out and facing the demon head-on.

At this moment the workload appears unaffected. What appears to be affected is the downtime. Word is Jan's nonprofessional activities are leading to persons, places and acts wherein and whereof Jan should not be seen or involved, and that this could break into the open at any time.

Christ — Cindy's like the Haley's Comet of old-school gossip: she doesn't pull through a lot, but when she does, it's spectacular. Anyhow, the blow on Broadway is getting out of control, and we're sure you theater queens out there have some good ideas who Jan might be. Send us your thoughts; at the end of the day, we'll run your innocent guesses and, hopefully, help secure Jan a room at Promises.

Secret Addiction Is Unsafe [Cindy Adams]