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In December, fashiony features czarina Orla Healy returned to the Daily News; after a stint in magazines and at the Post, she came home to the News to take the role of Managing Editor Features. So how's that working out for everyone?

Not so hot, we hear. Since Healy took over, two features editors — Graham Fuller and Michelle Leifer — have quit, allegedly in such a fit that they had yet to line up their next gigs. A third editor under Healy's umbrella is rumored to be doing exactly the same today.

In Healy's defense, she replaced Colleen Curtis — who clearly wasn't so into the newspapering anymore, seeing as she left for Good Morning America. A little intensity is needed, of course, to clean house and institute a new regime. But making your editorial team whimper like beaten puppies? Did one or two of those editorial pups shit on the rug?

Earlier: Daily News Update: Orla Healy Returns, Martin Dunn Spins