James Frey Looking For New Manager

James Frey bashing has quickly evolved into America's favorite new pastime, with millions gathering around the bean dip to catch its Super Bowl equivalent: a 60-minute Oprah inculpation so grisly, it might as well have been dubbed The Passion of the Frey. But once your tall-tale substance abuse memoir has been likened to Holocaust denial on national television, as America's Opinion Maker Oprah Winfrey nods her large, regal head in accord, is there really anywhere else this sport can go? Of course there is! Frey could be dropped by his "people" namely, his Brillstein-Grey literary manager Kassie Evashevski, who explained her logic to Publisher's Weekly:
KE: James called me a few days before the piece ran to say he had learned they were doing a negative story on him, but I didn't learn of the specifics until I read it on 'TSG' Web site along with everyone else.PW: ARE YOU CONTINUING TO REP HIM?
KE: No, I am not. In the last week, it became impossible for me to maintain a relationship once the trust had been broken. He eventually did apologize, but I felt for many reasons I had to let him go as a client.
Evashevski's reaction might have less to do with matters of betrayed trust and more to do with maintaining a friendly, parallel position to Winfrey. After all, Frey is hardly the first of Evashevski's clients to make it into the club Wally Lamb's She's Come Undone was also featured and presumably the manager doesn't want him to be the last. As for Frey, CAA's Kevin Huvane is still listed* as his agent, though with news emerging that Warner Bros. is "reevaluating" the status of the Little Pieces movie, not to mention the fact that Winfrey is one of Huvane's clients, Frey's name could soon find itself marked by an assistant with the dreaded "tell them I'm in a 7-hour lunch meeting" asterisk on the power agent's phone sheet.
*All rep information according to most recent listings on Studio System.