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More and more reports are flooding into Gawker HQ of unsubscribed to, unpaid for, and unwanted New York Suns being delivered to apartments around the city. In today's installment, we've got word of Sun spots all over the Upper West Side, plus dispatches from as far afield as Gowanus and Crown Heights.

And there's also this sad news: Last night we noticed a stack of neatly address-labeled Suns in the mailroom of our West Village building. But not one with our name on it. It's almost as though they don't like us.

Can't imagine why.

I've been getting The Sun against my will for the past week or so as well, and I live on the Upper West Side. Returned from a week away to the mortifying sight of several of them stacked neatly in front of my apartment. Resisting the urge to tell my neighbors one by one that I'd played no part in their delivery, I just tossed them. Got to the bottom of the mystery, though — going through the mail I'd missed when gone, I found a card they'd sent, saying I'd been "selected" for a complimentery 12-WEEK subscription, so confident are they that I will ultimately opt to subscribe on my own. I'm curious how many other people were selected....

I live in Gowanus, Brooklyn, and I also had copies of the NY Sun mysteriously added to my delivered Times recently. Unlike your other reader, I don't think I was missing any parts of the Times — and it seemed to have been placed in there along with everything else, as if it was an insert they had paid for — is that possible? In any case, it was very irksome and I regret not complaining immediately.

We've been getting the sun at our apartment on the Upper West Side for 2 weeks, too. Glad i've finally figured out why.

I too have been an unfortunate (and unwilling) participant in the great Sun flood of '06, and I live in a doormanless building on the UWS. How the hell are they getting them into the building? I refuse to believe that they are paying the USPS to actually deliver them, but they keep showing up by the mailboxes. A plague! A plague on all your houses!

I was deluged with it daily when I lived in Crown Heights last year. Inexplicable.

Reporting from West 70th Street. All NYT subscribers in the building started getting the NYS a couple of weeks ago. That day, I got a card in the mail announcing that I would be receiving the Sun for six weeks, gratis. Subscribe thereafter, blah blah blah. Presumably, I'm not the only one who got this, but I haven't asked around.

Each day that week, a pile of Suns sat in the lobby. I guess our delivery person didn't want to bother to distribute them to the doors.

The second week, no more Suns. None this week either.