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It seems it's not just the Upper East Side that's getting too much Sun. A flurry of new email arrived after the earlier report of unsolicited New York Suns being delivered — complete with address label, as though actually requested — at an uptown apartment building.

After the jump, we've got tales from the West Village, North Jersey, and, finally, Park Slope, where one reader is convinced the Sun is secretly replacing parts of his Times with Folger's crystals.

Yes, he can tell the difference.

Thank God and Gawker for this. I moved to my non-doorman, elevator building on Jane Street a few months ago and was happy to be in one of the leftest-leaning precincts this side of Ho Chi Minh City when one morning I got up and 5 of the 7 apts in my hallway had New York Suns in front of their doors. What's next, locusts? Now i only know the names of the people in 3P, Lucy and Paul. They are kind, gentle, a million years old, and living in the West Village — clearly not your typical Sun readers — and when i saw their names printed on the mailing label, I got really freaked out and was afraid there was some kind of Republican pod people infiltration of my neighborhood (like maybe the tranny on Horatio Street is actually Tucker Carlson or something). Anyway, when I saw your post I had to let you know that, like the maple syrup smell, these unwanted Suns are all over the city.

I think they're also targeting northern New Jersey with their "it's not rape until you say 'no'" campaign. I was in the elevator at work this morning with two guys who had both been receiving it for the last five days or so. One of them had never heard of the paper, and the other had initially thought it was the Baltimore Sun, and had kept it as a curiosity. How long have they been publishing? Sad.

The Sun has been doing the EXACT same thing each day for the past two weeks with my apt building's papers in Park Slope.

It's annoying as all fuck to begin with, but they've taken the added step of either intermittently stealing my daily Times subscription altogether or replacing various section with the corresponding sections from the Sun. (Like I somehow won't realize half-way through their arts section that it's odd for the Times to print an unusually lionizing review of the latest Ann Coulter book, or to espouse a 1,600-word opprobrium of the latest Botanical garden show.)

Natch, I called up their main number last week about stealing the paper (just leaving copies in our lobby is a pain in the ass, but at least is convenient when I need to pick up my dog's shit and have forgotten a baggy) and had a fight with the absolute bitch on the phone who denied that any of this was going on. Just one mention of the Better Business Bureau, though, and she was as conciliatory as Seth Lipsky getting caught in the supply closet with Jack Abramoff at the Christmas Party.

The most offensive thing may be the sheer amount of paper the Sun is wasting on trying to convert paper to it's little rag. It's got to be breaking some kind of NYC littering law.

Earlier: 'Sun' Adopts Innovative New You-Know-You-Want-It Circ Strategy