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• If you just can't relieve yourself of the pain of learning your favorite writer James Frey is merely a Fake Writer, try posting on James Frey Owes Me Money. He's more likely to hear you there than, say, when you're screaming at him on your DVR'd episode of Oprah. [JamesFreyOwesMeMoney]
• So once you've been publically shamed and spanked by Oprah, what do you do next? Why, you go and speak at the Dallas Hyatt Regency! The event is being sponsored by a home for the mentally ill and chemically addicted, which touches on a level of irony previously unknown to man. [HotelChatter]
• In case you thought Frey's appearance on Oprah was about his mistake, take note: Oprah said "I" 119 times during the infamous episode. [TMZ]
• The Jews weigh in — oy. [Aish]
• The Brooklyn Public Library reclassifies A Million Little Pieces as fiction. Prospect Park, so progressive. [Galleycat]
• "James, I am your father." [Corporate-Casual]
• Lying to Oprah is easier than you think. [Andy's Blog]