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A former green beret has told the National Enquirer that "Measure of a Man" singer Clay Aiken read his man measurements on a gay internet personal ad and arranged a steamy, man-on-effeminate-AM radio-friendly-songstylist encounter:

Alleged Aiken love toy John Paulus has been deluged with death threats from the singer's fervent fans ever since his name was leaked onto the Internet as the man who was blabbing to the National Enquirer that he had sex with their beloved "Idol," who's repeatedly denied being gay. The story is in the Enquirer issue out today nationwide. [...]

Paulus, 38, passed a polygraph test administered by the Enquirer in an attempt to corroborate his bombshell claim that he had sex with Aiken at a Quality Inn in Garner, N.C., on Jan. 2. In the new Enquirer, Paulus claims he and Aiken had 90 minutes of man-on-man passion at the hotel, which is near Aiken's hometown of Raleigh, N.C.

The muscle-bound ex-soldier says Aiken contacted him after seeing his picture on the Internet : "I have several personal ads on gay men Web sites," he told the Enquirer. "Clay later told me he saw my pictures on a couple and decided to e-mail me. On Dec. 16, using the screen name of 'valleyprettyboy,' Clay sent me his first message.

Hours after the accusations went public, cluster cells of Claymates met clandestinely in basements across the country to plot their fanatical revenge, with everything from suicide bombing the Enquirer offices to a "Straight Aiken" awareness-raising bake sale discussed as possible countermeasure. Meanwhile, Aiken's rep has offered no statement on the matter, telling reporters, "I won't dignify these ridiculous claims against Valleyprettybo-, uh, I mean Mr. Aiken, with a response."