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The Oprah is not pleased.
So we've carefully watched James Frey's appearance on Oprah — this morning's live-blog was a paraphrased summary, obviously — and we are, of course, completely in awe of the whole thing. Best. Television. Ever. After the jump, our photographic recap.

[Image via Video Dog.]

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"Oprah, I said I was sorry! C'mon!"

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The clenched fist knows no forgiveness.

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"I believed your little root canal story and told my dentist about it. You made me lie to my dental care provider!"

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"I don't support our troops, and I certainly don't support James Frey."

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"If I saw that Frey boy, I'd slap the bitch."

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"Is reading James Frey really necessary?"

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To publisher Nan Talese: "You lied to innocent Harpo staffers!"

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"Oprah, I am way too old for this shit."

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"Wait, I want to start pointing my finger too!"

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Frank Rich arrives: "Hey gang! What's everyone so upset about? Did I miss something? Look, I brought Chex Mix!"