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The latest rumors we're hearing out of The New York Sun only serve to remind us of the degree to which the place is just like your college paper — people look at it but don't actually read it, it's guided by the presiding editor's odd preoccupations, subeditors are forever drafting manifestoes on how to improve the place — but likely with a smaller circulation.

This week's whispers, which we're pretty sure have the added virtue of being true, are as follows:

• Monday afternoon, Sun editor in chief and founder Seth Lipsky fired the TV critic, David Blum, who's been with the paper since its launch.

• Lipsky also killed an American Idol review slated for Tuesday's paper.

• Lipsky did this over the objections of culture editor David Propson.

• Propson promptly resigned in protest.

• Propson's resignation has not yet been accepted; he's considering his options.

And now remember that the culture section is generally considered the most respected part of the Sun.

New York Sun