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First was word the The New Leader is closing, then came similar news about Legal Affairs, and now there's the sad plea that David Haskell's Topic magazine, desperate to find funding to print its next issue, sent to all its contributors:

Over the last few months, we've worked hard to produce a Music issue that is our best issue yet. The entire magazine is complete and ready to print, but our fundraising efforts for it have fallen short. David will be sending out an email in the next few days that outlines our plans for the rest of 2006, but in the meantime, we're launching a new initiative and an unprecedented opportunity for each of you: We're going grassroots and offering you 50% of any ad that you or someone you know can bring in on Topic's behalf. We hope a few of you enterprising souls can help us find the extra dollars we need and share the wealth in the meantime.... If you have leads, feel free to contact David directly. Let's make the Music issue happen!

But what's really adorable is how, after acknowledging they can't pay to print the current issue, they go on to announce some new staffers. It's just all so... Roshanian.

But, you know, younger. And cuter. And less delusional.

A Sad Day for Small Magazines
IMterview: David Haskell, 'Topic' Magazine