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Oh, yay! More fun with the Opinionista! Step three, by our count, in her carefully orchestrated coming-out — and, Christ, are we the only ones any more who came out chaotically, late one night, after far too many Sapphire-tonics and several hours of a very collegiate meaning-of-life conversation? — was, according to the Observer, when "she posed in a nightgown for a spread on female bloggers for a future issue of Fashion Week Daily."

Just as we were thrilled to beat that Observer outing by a day, we're equally thrilled to beat the Daily by a few weeks. Here's Melissa Lafsky, the erstwhile lawyer nee Opinionista, as photographed in nightie and heels for Fashion Week Daily. The rest of the spread includes other NYC blogger chicks — Mimi, Belle, Fishbowl, etc. — in other nightclothes, and it'll run in the print version of the Daily during Fashion Week.

Yeah, we're just as excited for that as you are.

[Photo (c) Conrad Ventur.]

Melissa Lafsky, Opinionista Extraordinaire
Opinionista Melissa Lafsky Gets Her Pink Paper Moment