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This piece of original photojournalism conveys the intensity of the situation, no?

Great, great fucking news: The Transportation Workers Union has rejected the proposed MTA contract. Wandering wayfarer Bucky Turco stumbled upon a flock of rabid, hungry journalists as they descended upon the TWU meeting; even NY1's Bobby Cuza was on the scene to make the breaking news a bit more aesthetically pleasing. We hear the disputed clause — the final dealbreaker by a mere seven votes — involved controversial language that would ultimately disallow MTA workers from watching Harold and Kumar while on the job.

On the upside, should shit get ugly again, it'll be in the 40s through next week. And you have plenty of time to find a fahbulous walking outfit, lest you upset poor Times writer Eric Wilson, who really hated those trainers you wore during the strike.

NY Transit Workers Reject New Contract [AP]
Earlier: Gawker's Coverage of the MTA Strike
Post-Fire, MTA Keeps Vigilant Watch Over 'Harold and Kumar'