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There's so much double-reverse meta-irony going on here, we can't figure out if the event is serious and sarcastic.

It's a joke about hipsters. Made by other hipsters. Who are making fun of Family Feud. While admiring Family Feud. And mock Richard Dawson's lechery. By aping Richard Dawson's "charming, sleazy drunk thing." We give up.

At the end of the day, though, we know this: Any show that brags about surveying 100 hipsters on "What is the new trucker hat" is something to be very afraid of.

A larger imagine, plus a full press release — with more details on the game, which will be held at Galapagos, natch — is after the jump.

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Every city has got hipsters, but one is dedicating an entire game to the group.

A woman who goes by the name "Miss Lola Belle" has been a resident of the Brooklyn neighborhood of Williamsburg for ten years, and now she thinks it's time to honor the people in trucker hats who help make Williamsburg hip.

That's why she's created a Family Feud-like game show called "Hipster Feud" which will happen tonight (Jan. 19) at the Galapagos Art Space in Brooklyn.

Belle says she surveyed a hundred hipsters to gather content for the show, and Williamsburg's hippest will have to answer questions like "What top 5 accessories will you find on a female hipster?" or the quasi-philosophical question, "What is the new trucker hat?"

Belle will co-host with her boyfriend, Jesse Ballgame,who will channel revered Feud host Richard Dawson. "Dawson kissed the Moms, hit on the daughters and always let you know he was a few cocktails in. I'm definitely going for that charming, sleazy drunk thing," says Ballgame.

She says her duties for the night will include revealing answers, deejaying, and "making sure my boyfriend doesn't drink too much."

Tonight, Jan 19th 10pm
70 N. 6th Street between Berry/Wythe
Williamsburg Brooklyn